What To Bring For Your Stay

For your comfort and convenience, you may want to bring the following items:
  • A current list of your medications
  • Personal items, such as rubber-bottom slippers, robe and toiletries (including toothbrush)
  • Eyeglasses, hearing aids and other assistive devices
  • Small amount of money ($5-$10) for incidentals (any cash will be put in the safe)
  • Book or magazines
Please leave the following at home:
  • Large amounts of money
  • Jewelry
  • Documents
  • Medicines

Don’t Forget Your Paperwork

Certain documents and information are needed for your admission. Depending on your circumstances, these may include:

  • Your Social Security card
  • Your Medicare card, or Medicaid coupon, insurance card(s), prescription card
  • Military ID card
  • Completed Insurance claim
  • Physician referral/ authorization forms
  • Co-Pay or deductible
  • Copies of advance directives, if desired.

Surgery Check-in


A pre-admission appointment will be scheduled within 10 days of surgery. Appointment times vary from 30-90 minutes depending on your surgical procedure.


Jefferson Healthcare has central registration for all inpatient and outpatient services. Registration is located on the first floor of the hospital.

View our Admissions Policy

For more information, please call the Registration department at 360.385.2200, ext. 3200.

Language and Hearing Assistance

Should you have special needs, such as hearing or language assistance, please let your registration specialist or nurse know.

We offer over the phone interpretation services to translate conversations into patients’ preferred language. TTY phones and Pocket Talkers for the hearing impaired are available in every department.