Healthcare Careers in Demand

As the largest employer in the county, Jefferson Healthcare is committed to the expansion and development of our workforce.  Investment in our employees and community drive our mission to provide jobs and training for a continuously growing industry. The constant growth of Jefferson Healthcare, highlighted by our Building Replacement Project, requires us to find new roles for our workforce in order to properly serve our patients and community. Nationally, healthcare jobs are expected to exceed the average growth of any other job from 2021 until 2031. It’s our responsibility to ensure we’re providing the tools and resources necessary to keep pace.

Current News and Information

Stay tuned for updates about current internal and external programs, in addition to other relevant information.

About Us

The constant growth of Jefferson Healthcare, highlighted by our Building Replacement Project, requires us to find new roles for our workforce in order to properly serve our patients and community.

  • Creating programs that fill our short-, mid- and long-term needs

  • Bridging the gap between students and our workforce

  • $511,547 in grants received – $4 million pending

  • Collaborating with student advisors, school administrations and industry partners

  • Investing in new opportunities and career pathways for existing employees

  • Implementing training programs and certifications at Jefferson Healthcare

  • Filling the new available positions created through our hospital expansion

  • Implementing programs within schools and in Jefferson County

  • Increasing the services available to our patients and community

  • Continuing our strong belief that local care is better care

Why Does Rural Equity Matter?

  • ½ of the top 50 in demand jobs on the Olympic Peninsula are in healthcare (EDC Team Jefferson)

  • After 8 years, 68% of Jefferson County students will not achieve credentials beyond high school (ERDC).

  • Family income below 80% of the statewide median.

  • 26.6% of youth in Jefferson County are “disconnected”.  National average is 12.6%.

  • Our two Community Colleges are over an hour away.

  • Four-year programs are hours away, making them highly inaccessible

Internal Investment

Jefferson Healthcare believes in the importance of investing in our own people. The constant development of pathways and education opportunities for our incredible employees is vital as we continue to expand our care and services for the community. The sky is truly the limit for all of our employees and its our duty to create an environment that will allow them to not just grow, but thrive.

Training and Development Programs

General Education Opportunities

  • Holistic Nursing
  • Intubation
  • Nursing Sedation
  • Interpreting ECGs
  • Wound Care
  • Huron Conference
  • ALSO Class
  • Preceptor Workshop
  • Nursing Leader Workshops
  • Splinting & Casting
  • Leadership Development
  • Handle with Care
  • Crucial Conversations

Grants & Partnerships

The Career Connect Explore Grant has enabled local students to build interest and explore potential career pathways in healthcare. Beginning in 8th grade, students participate in interactive, hands-on experiences with various healthcare careers.  The Career Prep Grant has allowed Chimacum and Port Townsend schools to offer science courses in healthcare, with clinical educator support in the classroom. This grant also includes a simulation lab at Peninsula College, CPR/First Aid Certification for students enrolled in the program, worksite learning tours, and a job shadow program. This wouldn’t be possible without our brilliant partners at Peninsula College, Career Connect Washington, Olympic Ambulance, and East Jefferson and Quilcene Fire and Rescue.