
Featured Story

Summer 2024 Construction Update: Expanding Services and Enhancing Care

With summer coming to a close, Jefferson Healthcare making significant progress on its Campus Modernization and Expansion Project....
Dr. Caitlin Lund.

Love of Community and Dedication to Comprehensive Care: Get to Know Jefferson Healthcare Surgeon, Dr. Caitlin Lund 

Dr. Caitlin Lund is passionate about providing top-quality s...

Navigating Health Insurance with Jefferson Healthcare’s Financial Counseling Team

Jefferson Healthcare's financial counseling team can help yo...

Jefferson Healthcare Introducing Mobile Health Clinic to Expand Equitable Access to Health Care

Jefferson Healthcare Introducing Mobile Health Clinic to Exp...

Parkinson’s Support Group Coming to Jefferson Healthcare

Supported by a $10,000 grant from the Parkinson’s Foundati...

Advancing Health Equity at Jefferson Healthcare

In the latest episode of the To Your Health podcast, we talk...

Students, See Your Future in Healthcare with the Healthcare Career Academy

Local students interested in careers in healthcare will have...

We Want To Hear From You About Our New Mobile Health Clinic

Jefferson Healthcare is seeking community feedback on our ne...

Jefferson Healthcare Recognized as National Leader in Healthcare Equality

Jefferson Healthcare has been honored with an LGBTQIA+ Healt...

Rhody Weekend Recap

On May 18 and 19 we celebrated Rhody Weekend. We were on the scene for two of the most important events in our community, the Jefferson Healthcare Rhody Run and Rhody Festival Grand Parade. Read on to get the full story!...
Woman smiling and hiking with backpack.

Understanding Osteoporosis: Tips for Maintaining Strong Bones

You can do a lot to prevent and treat Osteoporosis. Jefferso...

Seminar: Osteoporosis Prevention and Treatment

Join Jefferson Healthcare's Mary Breckel, DPT June 18, 2024,...

Celebrating the Heart of Healthcare: Nurses Week at Jefferson Healthcare

Jefferson Healthcare celebrates Nurses Week, May 6 to 12, 20...

Top-Quality Care Wherever You Are: Telemedicine at Jefferson Healthcare

Char Adels, PA offers insight on Jefferson Healthcare's tele...
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