Mental Health
- Mental Health Providers in Jefferson County
- Mental Health Medication Prescribing Directions – UW AIMS Program
- Mental Health Medication Prescribing Quick Reference – UW AIMS Program
- Mayo Clinic | Depression Medication Choice Decision Aid
- Taper Guide
Mental Health Resources for Youth and Families
- Mental Health Resources for children and adolescents in Jefferson County
- Seattle Children’s Partnership Access Line | child and adolescent psychiatrists available to consult 8:00 am to 5:00 pm (866.599.7257)
- Seattle Children’s Referral Service for Children and Teens
- Jefferson Healthcare Behavioral Health Sharepoint
Seattle Children’s First Approach Skills Training (FAST) Program
- FAST handouts for PCPs to use
- FAST resources for Parents and Caregivers
- FAST resources for Mental Health Providers
Controlled Substances
- Urine Drug Testing Screen AAFP guide
- Opioid s Prescribing Guide WA State
- SMART Recovery: science-based, self-empowered addiction recovery
- Alternatives to AA and Other 12-Step Programs
- Washington Recovery Help Line
Additional Resources
- Relaxation downloads Dartmouth
- Anxiety reducing song
- Jon Kabat-Zinn’s mindfulness products
- Book: Full Catastrophe Living
- Book: Why Zebras Don’t Get Ulcers
- Discovery Behavioral Healthcare (DBH)
- NAMI Jeff Co.
- NAMI Helpline
- Jefferson Healthcare Behavioral Health
- WA Indian Behavioral Health Hub | 866.491.1683
- No upcoming diabetes events at this time
Food Allergies
High Blood Pressure
- Lifestyle Change Programs (Diabetes prevention, OverEasters Anonymous, TOPS, Weight Watchers, WIC , etc)
- My Plate method for healthy eating
- Book: Eat, Drink, Weigh Less by Katzen & Willett
- Book: Diet for Decreased GERD
Support and Connections to Resources
- Trans Lifeline
- YMCA Family Resource Navigator | 360.565.6025
- JH Patient Advocates | 360.385.2200 x2235
- JH Trans Health Navigator | 360.385.2200 x2235
- Loans of Medical Equipment (ECHHO) | 360.379.3246
Family Resources
Legal Help and Advocacy
- Jefferson Associated Councel
- (JCIRA) Immigrant Rights Advocates
- Northwest Justice Project
- Pro Bono Lawyers | 888.201.1014
Senior Resources
- OlyCAP Senior Nutrition Services
- DSHS: Food, Cash, Medical Assistance
- Jefferson County Food Banks
- Coyle Mobile Market | Behind Johnson Community Center, Wednesday from 10:00 am to 11:00 am
- Port Townsend Mobile Market | Mill Road at Larry Scott Trail, Thursday from 9:00 am to 11:00 am
- Port Hadlock Mobile Market | Old Olympic Trading Post, Thursday from noon to 2:00 pm
- Jefferson County Farmers Markets SNAP Match & WIC/Senior Nutrition
- YMCA Summer Meals | Contact YMCA Family Navigator
- Free meals at Recovery Cafe of Jefferson County
- St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Just Soup
1020 Jefferson Street, Port Townsend, WA 98368
Free soup served Tuesdays from 11:30 am to 1:30 pm - Irondale Church, Community Soup
681 Irondale Road, Port Hadlock, WA 98339
Free soup served Tuesdays from 4:00 to 6:00 pm - Port Hadlock Community United Methodist Church
130 Church Lane, Port Hadlock, WA 98339
Food pantry open Saturday 10:00 am to 1:00 pm - Little Free Pantry Locations in East Jefferson Co:
1045 10th Street, Port Townsend, WA 98368
1925 Blaine Street, Port Townsend, WA 98368
939 Kearney Street, Port Townsend, WA 98368
681 Irondale Road, Port Hadlock, WA 98339
9572 Rhody Drive, Chimacum, WA 98325
1020 Jefferson Street, Port Townsend, WA 98368
1505 Franklin Street, Port Townsend, WA 98368 - Parent Help 123: apply for benefits | family hotline = 800.322.2588
- Food Resources Rack Card
Housing Support
- Biopsy Educational Session Presentation
- Derm Net: New Zealand searchable online library
- Dermatology Pearls June 2018
- Washington State Medical Association Medicare Advantage pamphlet
- Insurance Carriers Contracted with Jefferson Healthcare, and other insurance resources and an FAQ
- DSHS Food, Cash, Medical Assistance
- St. Vincent DePaul | 360.379.1325
- Jefferson Healthcare Financial Svs. | 360.385.2271
- Amerigroup Washington formulary
- Coordinated Care formulary
- Washington Prescription Drug Program (& link to state prescription drug discount card)
- GoodRx (lowest cost meds, coupons)
- Formulary lookup
- Fingertip Formulary — Forumlary Lookup
- Senior Excercise Resources
- Washington’s Electronic Death Registration System
- Lee Schomberg Index
- Book: Seven Steps to Managing Your Memory
Advance Directives
- End of Life Washington
- DPAHC & AD “Combined Directive”
- Five Wishes
- Dementia Directive, downloadable document
- Advance Directives for Dementia
- Respecting Choices COVID-19 resource page
- COVID-Ready Communication Skills, a playbook of VitalTalk Tips
- Video/Animation explaining POLST and Advance Directives (5-minutes)
- Honoring Choices Pacific Northwest Advance Directive Page
- National Institute on Aging
- CDC Advance Care Planning page for providers
- CDC Advance Care Planning page for patient
- Medicare Learning Network fact sheet
- ASCCP abnormal pap guidelines
- International Pelvic Pain Society handouts
- Perinatology calulators
- Medication safety in pregnancy (Reprotox, need password)
- Medication safety in breastfeeding | Lactmed
- WSHA safe deliveries resources
- North American Menopause Society
- International Society for the Study of Women’s Sexual Health
Birth Control Methods
OB COVID-19 Resources
- CA Perinatal Programs
- ACOG COVID website
- Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine
- American Academy of Pediatrics
- Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists pregnancy guidelines
- Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health neonatal guidelines
- University of Washington COVID protocols regarding OB and newborn care
- CDC Guidance by patient type
- WHO patient pregnancy and breastfeeding information
- Cochrane Review
- WHO COVID-19 general medical care guidelines including pregnancy
- Evidenced Based Birth
- Evaluation & testing for Monkeypox 081522
- John Hopkins antibiotic guide
- Sanford Guide
- JH Antibiogram (see clinical resources in SharePoint)
- Policy Stat link for the most updated documents and references for the Coronavirus
Pain Management
- Swedish patient pain management guide
- Book: Taking Control of Your Headache
- AMDG Washington State opiate guidelines
- Opioid dose calculator
- Secure Access Washington (for PMP)
- Cause of Chronic Pain (YouTube video)
- Tame the Beast (video)
- Book: Anti-inflammatory diet resource (The Abascal Way)
- Book: They Can’t Find Anything Wrong
- Book: Managing Chronic Pain
Additional Resources
- Consult line or transfer to Seattle Children’s
- Seattle Children’s Partnership Access Line (PAL)
- Seattle Children’s Standard Work Pathways
- Neonatal Sepsis Calculator at Kaiser Permanente
- Seattle Children’s Medical Conditions Library
- Seattle Children’s record sign in (login required)
- Jefferson County Resources for kids with special needs
- Seattle Mama Doc Blog
- Books: Sex Education Books by Amy Lang
- Book: It’s So Amazing!: A Book about Eggs, Sperm, Birth, Babies, and Families
- Book: Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child
- 5210 Scientific Rationale (PDF)
- APP | Flouride for Kids
- Never Use Alone Hotline
- Believe in Recovery
- Recovery Cafe Port Townsend
- Believe in Recovery Mobile Clinic | 360.316.9943
- Harm Reduction/Syringe Exchange | 360.390.8405
- DBH’s Substance Use Services | 360.385.3866
- DBH’s R.E.A.L. Team | 360.302.6730
- Safe Harbor Recovery Center | 360.385.3866
- OPHS Medicated Assisted Treatment | 360.917.5777
- Jefferson Healthcare MAT | 360.379.2248